4:14 PMIaorana tatou!
Sorry, I don't have any time at all today BUT long story short I made it safely back to Tahiti and am in my new secteur, Mahaiatea, with my new adoptive daughter Soeur Lu-! She's awesome, she was born in Sudan, moved to Egypt and now lives in Nebraska. (North Africa connections woohoo!) I miss Uturoa already, Tahiti is too big and crowded compared to my calm little Raiatea, mais ce n'est pas grave. The members came and sang to me at the airport and I've got a gigantic pile of shell necklaces now (flowers for welcoming, shells for farewells, in general).
This week Soeur M- and I talked a lot about Christlike attributes with our members and amis and everyone. In Doctrine and Covenants 4 it says "Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, divinity, charity, humility, diligence." As we come unto Christ and invite others to do the same, we need to try our best to master these virtues that Christ showed throughout his life.
Okay I need to head out, more details next week!
Love you all!
Soeur Ladd